Itch.Io Page Launch

Hi all,

I am happy to announce what I have been working on for the past few weeks of my time. I has been a hell of a road for me as I have spent many months into prototyping projects in hopes of a games worthy to be published and as well as in breaking into the game industry.

Although I haven't gotten into the industry yet, I am glad that I finally stumbled upon a prototype that is at least has potential to be at least a decent game.

I have uploaded the first version of the game's demo for you to try out, and I hope you enjoy it as I have been crunching on it every day all night without rest or stopping. There will be a steam page for it soon as I would like the game to be available on steam and for people to have it wishlisted. I am also working on a short 30 sec trailer for the game, so that I can start submitting the game to festivals (The first one being GDWC) and should provide an insight as to what the game is.

If you want to support me, you can spread the word of the game or if you want to donate, you donate in the itch page. I have planned and am working on getting things like Kofi and mailing list up. But right now, the trailer and marketable gifs/content is my current top priority. 

There will be more to come, and it might take a while for it to be completely finished but I do my best to get it done in due's time. Hope to see you next time 

- Dev


DeathJack Demo Ver 0.1 602 MB
31 days ago

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Wanted to try out this Demo Version but the file is 0 Bytes currently.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi Neco, I have updated the files, you should be able to play it now (Should no longer be 0 bytes). I apologize for that mistake.

No worries, just happy others too can give it a try so people can give you feedback and play it proper :P