Final update and Project put on hold

Hi all, 

This will be my final update to DeathJack as I will be putting this project on hold. This build version will contain everything that I built up to this point. 

So here is what has changed:

  • Modified AI’s behavior trees and anything that uses a node based tree system into smaller independent trees, this should help with the problem where the gameplay stuff stops working in certain conditions, it is not foolproof but should help.
  • Adjusted post processing to make the game more clearer and readable. It did reduce the amount of that retro-like look of the demos you have played but still managed to retain its red monochromatic look.
  • Removed the demo ending in replacement to a more endless experience (no more of that part where the host gets back up and walks up to you for another game before fading to black). The game will now just keep on going until you die. The counter and death screen will tell you how many rounds you have gone through so far.
  • Added a new powerup, Double Down. It is a poker chip that enables for all damage to be doubled. There can only be one in effect, can affect both the player and the host, and the effect ends when one takes damage.
  • Replaced all Epidemic licensed music with other music (already attributed in the game’s credits).
  • Adjusted the game’s credits based on that change

The game will still be on Steam but will take a while for it to launch. The Steam version will contain the same build that you see on Itch. The game on Itch and Steam will be free for you to play. There will be no more additional features added to this game.

Although this might be a bit disappointing, unfortunately this is something that I cannot continue to work on. I thank everyone who has enjoyed playing this game. -dev 

Files 541 MB
24 days ago

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