Game Trailer added & some marketing related progress & current situation

Hi All,

Game Trailer has been added to the itch page. It took a while for me to finish it but hey at least its up. It is a bit messy but it will do for now as I am trying to get back to work on the game (but I gonna market it out there, so can't do much). 

I know the rest of the blog might seem like a rant or something (you don't have to read it all, you can ignore the rest and enjoy your day :) ) but I would like to share some progress on the marketing stuff and current situation.

Originally, I was gonna make some extra content that can be used as marketable content for social media but I haven't been able to do it as I had been focused on the trailer almost all day and getting it submitted with GDWC (GDWC entry has been submitted, so that's one less worry). I have also been working on getting the steam page up but it seems to be a bit harder than I thought. I could use the trailer as the marketing material but I would probs need to do some extra work to be more consumable. I am a bit out of choices as I don't have all the time in the world to address it.

One of the big concern and contributing factor to this problem is the massive amount of pressure and stress piling up, even more compared to when I was developing it without having any public presence ( page, etc). It is getting very hard for me to make creative decisions or even just good marketing material (was still difficult before but it feels even worse right now). I could still take it easy and just let the game slowly build up over time but the FOMO and pressure to get it done as early and as good as possible is getting to me. 

On top of that, I am also getting extremely brunt out from everything that I have done in the past and currently, but I can't do much to fix that as my mind is just set at delivering the game as best as I can, I feel guilty for trying to go back on my word. 

Even though what I did (the game demo) is considered as a huge milestone for me (as I had to a do a huge turnaround from a past failed prototype that I have been working on for 5+ months and having created the demo in a matter of 3 weeks). 

I could try to set a limit as to how much marketing work I can do in a week even if it even it means that I would lose out on opportunities to make the game more popular. Perhaps like min 2-3 marketing/social media stuff per week or 2-4 per 2 weeks at the very worse. I am not really social media or marketing type of a person, I just like to share things and that's it, and if I were to market/do social media stuff, probably something more simpler like an artwork or a shader asset is better suited for me. I also don't always stick to the plan and often go radio silence until I have a good chunk of things built up, but I will try to do what I can with the limited amount of things and materials I have.

I apologize if you have to read through all that, as I said from the last post, it has been a tough road for me. Perhaps I am rushing things a bit too much, maybe I should jump the gun a bit on moving it onto steam for better accessibility too soon, or even I am biting more than I can chew in terms of making an actual proper publishable title. Regardless, the only thing I can do is to keep moving forward and hope and pray for the best. tldr: I am just dog on tired, and just want this nightmare to end.

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